Policy & kontakt


Vad kul att du har hittat till min blogg.

Allt som skrivs här är helt och hållet mina egna åsikter, de kan inte påverkas eller köpas. Jag strävar efter att följa de svenska pressetiska reglerna och följer marknadsföringslagen.

Jag vill vara ärlig mot mina läsare.

Ibland får jag pressprover för recension och dessa utvärderas på samma sätt som om jag själv hade köpt produkten ur butik. Dessa kommer att utmärkas tydligt med pressprov och även finnas i en egen kategori.

Vill du komma i kontakt med mig? Skicka gärna ett mail till maysundstromblog@gmail.com



2 reaktioner till “Policy & kontakt

  1. Need to find powerful advertising that isn’t completely full of it? Sorry to bug you on your contact form but actually that was the whole point. We can send your ad copy to websites through their contact forms just like you’re reading this ad right now. You can target by keyword or just fire off bulk blasts to websites in any country you choose. So let’s assume you want to push through an ad to all the interior decorators in the US, we’ll scrape websites for just those and post your ad message to them. Providing you’re promoting a product or service that’s relevant to that niche then you’ll be blessed with an amazing response!

    Send a quick message to leo6866tay@gmail.com for details on how this works


  2. Hello, I was just visiting your site and filled out your feedback form. The feedback page on your site sends you messages like this via email which is the reason you’re reading through my message at this moment right? This is the holy grail with any kind of online ad, getting people to actually READ your message and that’s exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have an advertisement you would like to promote to millions of websites via their contact forms in the US or anywhere in the world send me a quick note now, I can even focus on your required niches and my pricing is super low. Write a reply here: trinitybeumer@gmail.com


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